
We discover, design and develop advanced information technology and translate that into value for our clients through consulting services.

What We Do

Website Design & Development

We design & develop professional websites for your business, company, NGO, Hotel, School, Academy, Personal Websites, among others.

Domain Name Registration & Hosting

A String of characters that identifies a website is a domain. What users type in their browser to visit your site. We then provide space on our servers for your website files allowing it to be available on the internet.

Mobile Application Development

Whether its a consumer oriented app or a transformative enterprise-class solution, we lead the entire mobile App development process from ideation & concept to delivery & to ongoing support.

Digital Marketing

We Promote brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communications.

IT Trainings

Our Training yields a 4:1 benefit to cost ratio relative to predicted increase in job performance and ensures you are fully prepared to launch into an in-demand IT career.

IT Consulting

We create comprehensive IT strategies for a digital & technological transformation of your organization that goes in line with your business objectives.

Website Design & Development Packages

Digital Marketing Packages

Mobile Application Development Packages

Sumic On Job IT Trainings Packages

Who We Have Worked For

Aligning with the National and Global Agendas

At Sumic IT Solutions Ltd, we are committed to making a positive impact by leveraging technology to address societal challenges. We are proud to contribute to the achievement of Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure through our initiatives and projects. 

Our core mission is to facilitate the growth and self-sufficiency of businesses by providing them with affordable, standard, and sustainable technologies. We achieve this through a range of services including Website Design & Development, Domain Name Registration & Hosting, Mobile Application Development, Digital Marketing, IT Trainings, and IT Consulting. By offering these solutions, we enable businesses to establish a strong online presence and expand their market reach.

Building with Latest Technologies

"Timely Quality Products & Services"

Quality results delivered on time, from different professionals of different domains in the different business sectors.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Sumic IT Solutions Ltd is ready to work with you! Don’t get stack any more in this digital era, Talk to us Today.

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